Econoway is a travel and leisure experience designed to deliver curated packages in any budget, based on customer needs, providing itineraries in a one-stop hassle-free purchases.
From pre-production to final design, the project was developed over the course of 8 weeks. I conceptualized the company logo, conducted competitive analysis research, HMW statements, opportunity solution trees, crazy 8’s, user flows, and interview guides, as well as designed a working prototype after testing low and mid-fidelity prototypes. 
User Personas
With my mission statement in mind, I created three user personas that each represented a core user type in our target audience. At this stage, I identified the main goals and motivations people may have when using our platform, and what they want from a travel application.
Initial User Flows
Robby and Cleo
Robby and Cleo
Taking into account their motivations and needs, I created a user flow for each persona's initial app introduction. Since they had different needs, the flows aimed to personalize their experience.
Comprehensive User Flows
Robby and Cleo
Robby and Cleo
After testing the initial user flows through low fidelity wireframes revealed practical problems, I created more advanced user flows which significantly reduced the number of pages and clicks. What would be accomplished in 6 clicks for each user, now became the front page of the app, while still allowing users to personalize their trips.
Design System & Branding
While conducting competitive analysis, I noticed that purple is a color that is underused by travel applications. I decided to use the bright color sparingly throughout the app, while white, grey and black would be secondary colors. The logo, the app's name, and the bold typeface of the application tell users that they can expect to save money while traveling.
Low Fidelity Wireframe
These low-fidelity wireframes were created based on the initial use flows. It asked users to input their preferences before showing them their options. This prototype faced problems when being tested.
Medium Fidelity Wireframe
These medium-fidelity wireframes were created after developing new use flows based on user testing feedback. This was further tested and perfected before the final prototype, with the main issues being the filter settings, as well as small inconsistencies.
Final prototype design
The final design was tested and presented to the graduate class. What was most liked about the app was the feature of inputting a specific budget and seeing all the travel possibilities and packages that Econoway would offer.
Test the final figma prototype for yourself!

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